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My Take On Controversial Topics


By Dhwani Desai

Controversy; a disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, or heated. There are thousands are thousands, maybe millions, of controversies that people can debate about for hours. Today, I thought it’d be fun to share my thoughts and opinions regarding different topics.

Topic 1: Should schools have uniforms?

My opinion on this is yes and no. I think after a certain age level, it should be fine to wear whatever you want. But to expose little children to jealousy because someone is wearing something prettier or more expensive than them is the reason, I think elementary and maybe middle school should have uniforms. I’m not saying older kids don’t have reason to be jealous. I know some people become upset, but it’s easier for older individuals to digest and deal with jealousy than younger individuals. I also believe that teenagers should have the right to freely dress and express themselves however they want.

Topic 2: Will artificial intelligence take over the world?

I think AIwill take over the world someday. Just, not anytime soon. Not in the next decade or century, but maybe the next millennium. Right now, there are a lot of improvements and advancements we can make in AI, but I feel that in the future they’re going to be more advanced and be able to think for themselves as a part of their program. One prime example of this is a really amazing video game called Detroit: Become Human by Quantic Dream. It’s set in 2038 but I don’t think we’re that advanced yet. I recommend watching a gameplay on YouTube or buying it yourself to play.

Topic 3: Social media

I amforsocial media. Of course, this again should be introduced at an older age because some content isn’t suitable for kids while other videos have mean comments and bad advice. Social media isn’t all about watching videos and immersing yourself. It’s also an effective way to communicate with friends. For example, discord or instagram or snapchat. I love discord the most. You can access it from a phone, tablet, or laptop and text like normal. This was a lifesaver for my friends and I because some of them didn’t have phones. There should be some limit to the amount of time spent on social media, because long amounts of time spent on it can cause depression among many other things. So, be social, but to a limit.

Topic 4: Is optimism beneficial or not?

I’ve addressed this in a previous blog post, but I always think optimism is SUPER beneficial. Both mentally and physically. It keeps you happy and healthy. Win – win. (If you haven’t checked it out, make sure to go read one of my previous blogs, ‘The Power of Positive Pondering.)

Topic 5: Equality vs equity

Equality refers to everyone being treated the same way, but sometimes that doesn’t work out. For example, while picking apples, equality means everyone gets one stool to reach the apples on the high tree. Equity, or fairness, means giving them enough stools to accommodate their height in reaching the tree. Another example would be different bike sizes. If everyone had a big one, children wouldn’t be able to reach the pedals, but it’d be perfect for tall people. On the other hand, equity would be if everyone had a bike size appropriate for their height. This is why I think equity is better and fairer than equality.


There are so many other topics that are debatable and if you want to know my opinions on anything else, let me know in the comments and I might address them in a future post. If you disagree with any of my thoughts, tell me what you believe it should be, I’d love to know all your thoughts on these topics. See you next time!


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